It is important to make sure that you are well aware of what you are getting into when you sign for a bond for someone, especially if this is not a process that you have gone through in the past. After all, you want to be confident in your decision to do this so there are no misunderstandings or regrets. To help you learn more about bail bonds and how they impact you as the signer, you need to continue reading.
You Could Be Financially Responsible For The Cash
When you are signing for someone for a bond to get them out of jail, there are certain things that have to be done to make sure that the bail bondsman is not going to come after you for the money. For example, if your friend or family member were to skip out on their upcoming court date and the bail bondsman cannot find him or her, they can come after you for the balance owed. Also, if you put up anything as collateral, such as your house, there is a real possibility that you could lose it. Therefore, you need to make sure that you are truly confident that the person you are trying to bail out of jail is not going to suddenly disappear on you.
Your Home Could End Up Being Searched
Many people feel that a search of their home is an invasion of privacy. While that may be so, when you sign for a bond for someone, and the bail bondsman ends up with a warrant for his or her arrest, your home may be searched. After all, they will view you as someone who is obviously close enough to that person to get a bail bond for them so you might be hiding him or her. Even if you would never consider helping someone hide from law enforcement, the bail bondsman will not know this and may have to search your home in hopes of finding the person that they are looking for.
You Need To Understand The Fine Print
There is not going to be anything within the bail bond application and agreement that is there to trick you. However, it is important to make sure that you fully understand everything that you are signing, including the fine print. If you need assistance, bring someone with you that can read it over for you. If you have questions, make sure that you are asking the bondsman for clarification.
With those points in mind, you should have a much better idea of whether or not this is something that you still want to do. If you do, simply get in contact with a local bail bondsman such as All Night & Day Bailbonds in order to get the process started.