These days, it can be a challenge to find things that are truly free. If you're in the market for a new checking account, you may be wondering if it's possible to get an account without fees. If you know where to look and what to look for, it's possible to find this type of account. Keep reading to learn how to get a free checking account:
Consider an Online Bank
Many banks that allow you to open an account online offer free checking accounts. One thing to consider about this option is you won't have the opportunity to walk into a local branch any time that you need to do your banking. If you don't go into bank branches very often at all, this may be a good way to get a free checking account.
Join a Credit Union
One way to get a truly fee-free checking account is by joining a credit union. When you join a credit union, you get a bank that truly cares about relationships. Many credit unions offer free checking accounts as a way to build a relationship with their clients. There are also other benefits of working with credit unions as they often offer much higher savings percentages, and they may offer other financial savings for you.
Use a Local Bank, But Avoid the Fees
If you don't want to use an online bank and don't want to join a credit union, you may still be able to get a free checking account from a local bank. While the bank itself may have a monthly fee in place, they will usually offer a way for you to avoid the fee. You'll need to look into the fee waiver details of each bank and account. Some banks will require that you maintain a certain dollar amount balance each month while others require you to make so many deposits or require you to set up a direct deposit to avoid the fees. Just be sure that you will satisfy the rules that are in place so that you're not charged monthly fees.
As you can see, it's possible to find a free checking account. It may take some time and creativity to do so, but you can avoid unwanted bank fees. Reach out to local banks in your area to see what kind of checking accounts that they're offering new customers. Look around for a free checking account at places like FCCU - First Community Credit Union.